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Give it a go! It may not be running for you but the sky's the limit on accessible sports which you can get involved with.

Ryan standing in the middle of two guide runners after a race.

Ryan standing in the middle of two guide runners after a race.

Thirty-seven-year-old Ryan can see some shapes and colours but no definition during the day but at night is effectively blind.

Ryan recently got involved in sports in the last two years. "I was always put off sports at school (due to poor eyesight and terrible coordination) so always thought they weren't for me. However, after getting my first guide dog two years ago I started getting active.

With some excellent role models, I started running and found my niche. I have since joined a local inclusive running and am regularly running races with guide runners. I cannot imagine my life without the all-round support of the running community as well as the joy of running."

Many of Ryan's role models have been involved in BBS. When it came to taking up running, he came to BBS to get the necessary equipment he needed to ensure his runs are safe - tethers, bibs and t-shirts.

Before joining his local running club, Ryan found it challenging to find a reliable guide. "I tried a few running clubs but whilst there was a spoken willingness this rarely translated into practice. When I found my club, I found out they have a good number of able and willing guides. So much so that I have never yet had to miss a race due to a guide injury. I'm also connected to the broader guide runner community."

Running has been life-changing for him. "I was depressed and never left my flat. Through running my world has opened up and I feel like the fog has been lifted. I'm so much happier than I have ever been at any other point in my life."

Since taking up running, Ryan has completed his first-ever half marathon in the Royal Parks in London with his best friend to raise money for Guide Dogs.

To find out more about running, please visit: www.britishblindsport.org.uk/az/running.

To find out more about how to find a guide runner, please visit: www.britishblindsport.org.uk/find-a-guide.