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First Steps: Wyatt

First Steps: Wyatt

First Steps taught Wyatt that with the right support, there is no limit to what he can do!

Five-year-old Wyatt has Albinism and Nystagmus. His family first learned about BBS through First Steps, a project for children with sight loss that helps to improve motor skills through physical activity.

Wyatt's mum said, "Thanks to BBS, Wyatt has been able to take part in a whole range of sports!"

"He especially enjoys playing with his Mr Jangles audible ball that he received in his First Steps pack. The programme has helped him understand different sports and how they can be adapted to suit him."

Wyatt now loves being active and looks forward to physical education classes at school. He has even been to a few BBS Have a Go/Family Days.

Wyatt's mum commented, "It's so worthwhile. There are so many like-minded people at the Have a Go/Family Days and there is such a variety of activities to try! It's given him the confidence to try new things. He especially loved the BBS Surf Day. It's also shown Wyatt that there are other people that have the same or similar conditions to him. Since the BBS Have a Go Day, Wyatt has been to tennis lessons, cricket and football - he has also recently started martial arts!"

BBS have over 400 children registered for the programme and will support up to 450 families in the UK until March 2023. According to feedback from First Steps families, 79% of children are more confident about participating in sports and physical activity since taking part, and 84% of children are more active and participate in sports in their community.

Wyatt's mum says, "We would like to thank everyone at BBS for giving our family an opportunity to support Wyatt with trying new sports and teaching us how we can make sure he is included in everything. There's no limit to what he can do, it sometimes just needs a little adapting! First Steps has given Wyatt such confidence in sports and such incredible opportunities, that he wouldn't have otherwise had. By supporting BBS, you'll be helping more people to have the opportunity to do the same."

With your help, BBS can support more young people like Wyatt to gain confidence and enjoy the mental, physical and social benefits of being active. To make a donation to support our work, please visit our JustGiving page.