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Bowls Development Alliance

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Bowls Development Alliance

Pera Business Park,
Nottingham Road,
Melton Mowbray
LE13 0PB

Contact Information
Susan Cooper
01664 777001

About Bowls Development Alliance

The Bowls Development Alliance (BDA) is the body for Bowls England & English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd. "Working with flat green clubs to help them and the bowlers within them develop more resilient habits to ensure a stronger sport, the benefits

The Bowls Development Alliance (BDA) is the body for Bowls England (flat green outdoor) and English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd (flat green indoor).


Play Bowls supports Sport England's vision to produce a more productive, sustainable, resilient and responsible sport sector. This plan puts bowls customers at the heart of its delivery with the aim to make bowls clubs more welcoming and inclusive, particularly for those who are older and those who are currently under-represented in the sport but also help to reinforce a physical activity habit well into later life.

This strategy has aimed to align itself to the priorities laid down by Sport England in the new strategy "Towards an Active Nation" looking to develop more resilient habits, encourage those older people who are presently inactive to become active and develop a more diverse volunteer workforce.

The strategy will also provide opportunities for both physical and mental well- being and to encourage more bowls clubs to be the heart of the local community through the provision of more diverse services.

The next four years will see the following actions:

  • Intensive support to 200 identified clubs to help strengthen resilience in the core market through the new Club Development Programme
  • Support clubs to encourage those who are presently inactive to engage with bowls through the Play Bowls Package
  • Up-skilling of volunteers so as to impact directly on sustaining membership and to continue to grow participation particularly providing more opportunities for those with a disability
  • Assist bowls clubs to become an integral part of the local community
  • Ensure clubs have the support and guidance they need to keep their facilities at a standard that will maintain the habit of physical activity of their members


"Working with flat green clubs to help them and the bowlers within them develop more resilient habits to ensure a stronger sport, the benefits of which can be enjoyed for a life time"

Core Values of the Organisation:

  • To focus on the needs of the bowler
  • To ensure everyone regardless of age, gender ethnicity or disability has access to a quality experience
  • To provide a safe environment in which to play


  • To strengthen resilience in the bowls core market
  • To continue to introduce new people into the sport so as to develop a habit of regular physical activity
  • To ensure all projects are fully inclusive
  • To contribute to the physical and mental well-being of participants
  • To develop accurate data collection and insight methods alongside key partners
  • To up-skill the volunteer workforce to ensure participants receive the best possible experience
  • To ensure clubs have support in the maintenance and development of their facilities and so strengthen resilience