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Rowing is a sport that can be enjoyed recreationally or competitively It can be done indoors - on rowing machine -and outdoors on the water: on rivers, lakes and the sea.

An Overview of Rowing

Para or Adaptive rowing really began at, the then, Worcester Blind College, just prior to the First World War.

Rowing is a sport that can be enjoyed receationally or competitively. It can be done indoors - on rowing machine - and outdoors on the water: on rivers, lakes and the sea.

Rowing is accessible for those with a visual impairment - whether you're blind or partially sghted. It is a sport that provides the social inclusion of the club environment.

Rowers with a visual impairment can be highly successful in rowing. The best rowers all have a fantastic feel for the movement of the boat which is independent of eyesight. Due to this, there is no reason why individuals with a visual impairment can't row at a high level within mainstream club activity.

The GB Paralympic rowing team have won many medals since pararowing was introduced at Beijing in 2008. Several of our Paralympic medallists have had a visual impairment; including Ellen Buttrick who won Gold at Tokyo.


  • Builds stamina
  • Builds strength
  • Great for mental wellbeing


Complete the form at https://www.britishrowing.org/go-rowing/learn-to-row/adaptive-rowing/sign-up/ and someone will be in touch with you shortly.

Adaptations and Equipment

There is no specific adaptive equipment needed for rowing. However, you might need specific adaptations to be made by the rowing club you join, whether that's for training or coaching. This will likely be around communication or how you're coached.

For more information on adaptive rowing, visit the British Rowing website.

Find Rowing Clubs/Groups Near You

Use the search below to find local organisations near you.

National Governing Bodies

British Rowing

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General Information
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Contact Telephone
020 8237 6700
Sport England

Sport England

Sport England is committed to helping people and communities across the country create sporting habits for life.

SASP Sport Welfare Officers Forum

SASP Sport Welfare Officers Forum

A online meeting for Sports Club Welfare & Safeguarding Officers based in Somerset.

You're invited to attend our club welfare forum for anyone involved in sport and physical activity in Somerset, but in particular those in your clubs who hold the role of 'club welfare officer' or 'safeguarding lead'.

If you're the Safeguarding or Welfare Officer at your Sports Club, please join Tracey Sweetland, Somerset Sport Welfare Officer at SASP to learn about local support and opportunities to assist you in your volunteer role.