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Active at Home

Active at Home

Keep fit with our Active at Home Programme!

Our audio-led classes, developed with inclusive providers, helped people with a visual impairment keep active from their homes during the pandemic. Since then, they have continued to be enjoyed by people around the world.

We have a wide range of pre-recorded workouts to suit every ability, whatever your experience level. Links can be found at the bottom of the page.

Our sessions cover a wide range of activities such as yoga, seated yoga, pilates, HIIT, boxercise, strength and tone, circuit training and legs, bums and tums.

Our Active at Home workouts are available across YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

I went through a period of poor mental health which I know would have been so much worse if I didn't have BBS's fitness classes.

I've met some wonderful people through BBS's Active at Home programme. There's a strong sense of community.


Community Facebook Group

We also have a community Facebook group, where we encourage you to keep track of your progress and share it with other group members. The group was created to provide a community for networking through the programme and to share information about our online activity. The group has over 800 members and is still growing.